2025 Body Harmony One Month Retreat

Join us for a month in Noosa, Queensland, Australia

Transform & Embody

Welcome to the 2025 Body Harmony One Month Retreat, guided by experienced teachers Duncan Hogg & Gina Carruthers, with additional support from teacher and practitioner Brendan Allen. If you are seeking an environment that nurtures personal transformation, allowing you to shed unwanted habits and embrace what truly matters to you, then our Body Harmony One Month Retreat is perfect for you. 

What to expect:

  • Improved function (breathing, walking, digesting, thinking, sensing)
  • Improved regulation of your nervous system
  • Beneficial postural transformation
  • Increased awareness and mindful observation
  • Increased sense of wellbeing and facility
  • Improved bodywork soft tissue skills and touch development

We begin the day with awareness exercises: meditation-movement-breathing exercises that build as the retreat progresses. Each segment has a portion of the day emphasising how to read the postures of emotional issues within oneself and others. Each day involves hands-on components where participants rotate between being client and practitioner.

Class hours:

  • Early Morning Breath and Movement Session – 6:30 am – 7:30 am
  • Morning Session – 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • Afternoon Session – 1:45 pm – 4:30 pm

Body Harmony

Body Harmony is a holistic, hands-on bodywork system that taps in to your natural wisdom, bridging the gap between where you are now and where you aspire to be. If you would like to learn more about Body Harmony, please click here. To gain a deeper understanding of the ‘Core Principals’ of this work, click here. Furthermore, you can explore the Body Harmony Association’s ‘Code of Ethics’ by clicking here

The BHA sets the standards, guidelines and curriculum for Practitioner Certification in Body Harmony. Body Harmony is a registered trademark in Australia and the EU. To read more, or download the curriculum, please click here.

Certified Teachers

Brendan Allen, Gina Carruthers and Duncan Hogg are all certified and current teachers of Body Harmony through the reputable Body Harmony Association Inc (BHA). Collectively, they possess over one hundred years of experience in this field.

Amazing location - Alaya Verde

‘Alaya Verde’ is a privately owned 42 acre Noosa hinterland retreat and the location of the One Month Body Harmony Retreat. It is located approximately 15 minutes drive north-west of central Noosa.

Participants have the additional benefits of being on the doorstep of one of Australia’s most unspoilt natural settlements, Noosa. With the iconic beaches, the Noosa River & Lakes, and everything else that the Noosa Shire has to offer – it’s a paradise found.

Three Participation Options

One Month

3rd Sept - 4th Oct

$4995 $ 4795
  • Early bird ends May 15th | $375 deposit
  • Designed for those seeking a comprehensive and transformative experience
  • One-month option offers a profound journey through Body Harmony
  • Ideal for individuals committed to personal growth and gaining in-depth knowledge of the practice
  • Limited on-site, luxury accommodation available at reduced rates at Alaya Verde B&B
  • Limited camping options available on the grounds of Alaya Verde
  • Limited camping options available on the grounds of Alaya Verde
Most popular

14 days

3rd Sept -16th Sept

$2695 $ 2495
  • Early bird ends May 15th | $375 deposit
  • Designed for those seeking to deepen their practice and enhance wellbeing with a shorter commitment
  • Immerse yourself in technical learning and experience the benefits of stress-reducing, liberating bodywork in the Body Harmony style
  • Course includes 3 blocks of in-class sessions
  • Second and third blocks each last four days, with a day-long break between each block

3 days

3rd Sept - 6th Sept

$995 $ 880
  • Early bird ends May 15th | $375 deposit
  • Ideal for those seeking a taste of Body Harmony without committing to longer formats
  • 3 day introduction covering the basics of Body Harmony
  • Limited spaces available
  • Total class time: 20 hours

Wise‘ allows funds transfers from overseas locations at very reasonable prices. Upon receipt of your deposit we will forward you a confirmation letter and receipt of payment.* Non-refundable, non transferable. All prices are gst inclusive.

Assisting, Part Scholarship

There currently exists 1 place available for an assistant to this event. Interested parties can email Duncan to discover more about this reduced tuition/work exchange based option. A commitment is required for the full month. Part scholarships are limited and selectively available and are considered on an individual basis. Again contact Duncan or Gina to discuss this option.

Got any questions?

If you have any questions about this retreat please reach out via email to any of us and we’d be happy to answer questions.

1 thought on “2025 Body Harmony One Month Retreat”

  1. I attended the One Month Body Harmony Retreat in October 2008.

    Since then I have done more to live my dreams than ever before. By ‘done’ I mean taking real action. I went to the retreat with personal and financial goals. I left with excitement. I left unstuck.

    Since the retreat I have continued to unfold and evolve, as I become the bodyworker I want to be. I’ve given numerous bodywork sessions and laughed alot.

    And I’m gaining momentum.

    I am well on my way to doubling my income for the year for an extra 5 hours of easy work a week. I kind of believed I could do it. Body Harmony helped me to do it.

    Body Harmony has deepened, widened and clarified my spiritual beliefs. Beyond concepts and systems, Body Harmony connects me to the wonder of being alive and has helped unleash the spontaneous energy to do what I need to do with this precious life. I feel incredibly supported by the teachers and the beauty of the Body Harmony touch.

    How was the one month retreat?………………. AWESOME!

    Brendan Allen

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