The Brain That Changes Itself…

The Book “The Brain That Changes Itself” by Norman Doidge has a great analogy (which I have paraphrased) for what I call the Healing loop.
At the start of the day, a group of mates decide to go out 4 Wheel driving. The track is sandy or muddy. The first driver picks a way through the mud. The others follow, and before long, the track is entrenched.  Any drivers following barely steer, the track takes them a particular way.

This track is like what happens in the brain when a behavior or pattern is reinforced. It creates a strong pathway in the brain, which becomes the main mode of experience if the pathway is triggered. Doidge advocates retraining your brain by brain exercises, to reignite new pathways or possibilities.

Brain Chemisty

In my terms, The Healing Loop is where someone continues to go over the same pattern and in effect reinforces the very issue they wish to correct. Through Body Harmony we aim to help our clients discover new, or less traveled pathways, that are more functional for them, now. We teach you how to get off the healing loop, by focusing on the possibility rather than the restriction.  This doesn’t mean that the problem is ignored, far from it; the focus is in creating an environment for you (your body) to discover the solution, to become more aware of your behaviour and to restructure. The results may be seen in differences in your posture, sensed and felt in your body, and experienced as enhanced quality of your life and relationships, getting you OFF the Healing Loop.

Module 5 – Getting off the Healing Loop and into Life
Saturday and Sunday 5th – 6th December  at Alaya Verde, Noosa Hinterland.
With International Body Harmony Teachers Gina Carruthers & Duncan Hogg
Module 5 helps you to retrain your body and your brain –  your bodymind. You learn techniques that help you to discover, and experience new options get you off the healing loop and into life. You can start using these skills you learn immediately yourself, with your friends, or clients. No previous experience required. Bring along any healing loops you want to get off of.  Experienced practitioners of all kinds will find the experience valuable to improving their practice.
Cost $395,  Payment by Cash, cheque to or internet banking to Body Harmony Seminars– call or email for details.
Previous participants of this module can review this Module for $230. Register now so we have time to ensure enough massage tables.

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