Intention works! But how well do you trust your Intention Quotient?

Greetings Friends

I have some thoughts and suggestions about getting your decade off to a great start! I notice that as we become proficient in bodywork, we come to expect certain results based on our past successes.

This can be satisfying but it can also become a sabotage. Because Body Harmony brings something more to the table. Every session can, and should, at least touch upon some unfamiliar wonderments, and help create new standards of reference.

It’s important to see your clientele as they are.. but when you also see them as they can be, you make an excursion into some unexplored abilities. You add even more value to the process when you see yourself as you are….and as you can be.

Keep in mind that the sum total of human 
knowledge these days, doubles in months, (some say weeks) rather than 
years. Your ability to apply this knowledge is the key to your personal prosperity.

Intention works! But how well do you trust your Intention Quotient?

Do you suspect that some old familiar thought patterns might limit you?

Imagine how it would feel to approach this new decade without a past history to keep you stuck in repetitive patterns.

Imagine designing a future for yourself based on your heart’s desires, rather than some obsolete needs and beliefs?

But is intending enough to get it done? Yes it is, when your body supports your intentions!

How your body supports your intentions is through your functional posture. Posture as an activity rather that static state of being.

Should your clients ask what you mean by posture, you can tell them, according to the dictionary, posture is:

More than the position of a person’s body when standing or sitting.

Posture is also a particular way of dealing with or considering something; an approach or an attitude

1. The position or bearing of the body, whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose

2 : state or condition at a given time especially with respect to capability in particular circumstances.

3 : a conscious mental or outward behavioral attitude.

Posture is a viewpoint: a mental position from which things are viewed.

In short Posture is:

1 position, pose, attitude, stance.

2 bearing, carriage, stance, comportment.

3 attitude, stance, standpoint, point of view, opinion, position, frame of mind.

So…. How can Body Harmony help your clients…and you… achieve your intentions in this decade?

Well….Body Harmony leads the field in adjusting postural variations. Body Harmony is a Conscious Cleansing: When you clear away the outdated beliefs and assumptions and behavioral  habits that are embedded in your operating system, you will be able to move into your greatest life.

When you rid your physical body of accumulated stress, increased vitality and optimal health result.

Body Harmony can take you on a breakthrough journey of spiritual revitalization, affecting your financial aspects, creating a more inspiring practice, and breaking old relationship patterns.

When you speak to your clients, speak to yourself.

Tell them about creating a body with increased vitality, experiencing more joy and happiness.

Without the weight of the past on your shoulders, your intentions will move from wishful thinking into a precise map to the life of your dreams.

Points to Stress:

Body Harmony is a practical program to alter the quality and direction of your life and support you in obtaining your goals.

Body Harmony will enable you to take back your power, and Instead of being guided by what you think you should do, you will be directed by your desires.

Additional Information: FYI

Linda and I enjoyed the launching of a new book that promises to become a movement. Mindsight. The New Science of Personal Transformation by Daniel Siegel, M.D.

Dr. Siegal brings much to the table that we can use. And we will.

All health, happiness, and success to you,

Hoping to connect with you in person during 2010

Love and appreciation.

Don McFarland

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